➽ would used to be + always + ing❤
➽ would used to be + always + ing❤
Like 'used to' and the Past Simple, 'would' with 'always' suggests an old habit that stopped in the past. Unlike 'used to' or the Past Simple 'would always' suggests a willingness to do the action or amusement and/or annoyance. It can also suggest an extreme habit. The opposite is expressed with 'would never'.
☺My grandmother would always get me a book for Christmas.
☺Sarah would always come late to work on Mondays.
☺Sarah would always come late to work on Mondays.
It is important to remember that 'would always' is not the same as ‘used to’ or the Past Simple. Would cannot be used to speak about past facts or generalisations, only past repeated actions.
Se usan "used to" y "would" para describir los hábitos o cosas que eran verdad o ciertas en el pasado pero que ya no ocurren o no son verdad en el presente.
- Se puede usar "used to" o "would" para describir las acciones repetidas en el pasado
- Sólo se usa "used to" para cosas ciertas en el pasado.
"used to" o "would"
- I used to get up at 6am to go to school.
- I would get up at 6am to go to school.
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